Monday, June 27, 2011

Android advertising - Jumptap part duex

Ok. So, now that we have read the docs, let's find the code for incorporating the Jumptap API. How about we search "jumptap sample code"?

Here's a url about conversion tracking.

About Jumptap Conversion Tracking

But that's not where I want to go right now. How about the main page?

That's better. How about this:

Oops. That's the one I just analyzed in the last post. I think one of the problems is that it's for multiple languages. Still, it's hard to believe they don't have sample code.

Ah, here we go:

This wiki page describes the JumpTap Android (JtAdView) ad library installation and use for Android developers. The current version of the library ( is compatible with SDK 1.5 (API 3).

Downloading the library

Click here to download the latest version of the library (version, released 6/24/2011) ->

// ok - here we go. Downloading Dump it into software folder. Ok, it's a jar file.


To use the library, add the Jumptap library (jar file) to your project.

Ok, move the jar to my "software/externaljars" directory. Add it to Eclipse - project, properties, build, add external jars, something like that.

Ok, now, commit in case I didn't do it last time and tag "BeforeJumptap"

Oh, right, the svn tag isn't working - I think. Here's the error.

Tag operation for some of selected resources failed.
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: No write-lock in '/Users/markdonaghue/Documents/workspace/JlptQuizApp/res/layout'

I think it's an eclipse issue. You can get around it with the svn command line, but I don't want to get sidetracked right now. Let's resume:

Using the Library

Add the following permissions to AndroidManifest.xml:

The ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission allows location information to be sent to Jumptap, so that location targeted ads can be served to your app. If you do not wish to receive location targeted ads, this permission may be omitted.

// Good. Let's go ahead and add these to the manifest. Actually, most of them
// were there already. Why? I must have tried something at some point. Well, I need
// the internet for the audio download, but none of the rest. Well, I do now.

// Next up:

Using the XML file:

android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"
android:id="@+id/ad" jumptapLib:publisherId="add your publisher id"
jumptapLib:siteId="add your site id" jumptapLib:spotId="add your spot id"

// This is the layout. Cool. Now we're getting somewhere. But, before I put it in:

Note: Make sure that you have the XML name space declaration for the Jumptap Library in your 'LinearLayout' tag of your XML file. Name space declaration for the Jumptap Library: xmlns:jumptapLib="".

// Ok, I can do that to. But first:

Using Java code:

JtAdWidgetSettings s = JtAdWidgetSettingsFactory.createWidgetSettings();
s.setPublisherId(your publisher id);
s.setSpotId(your ad spot id);
s.setSiteId(your site id);
JtAdView adView = new JtAdView(TestActivity.this, s);

So, I need to know what these parameters are. Do I have to be published first? Do I have them already? Can I get them from the API already? I'm confused. Let's go back to the original email:

Setup your mobile site/app to display ads and start earning money:
1. Log-in to your account. (
2. Add a site/app to your Jumptap account.
3. Install ad code. We provide you with the sample code needed to display ads. You simply integrate it into your site/app.
4. Site approval. In 1-2 days you will receive an email confirming if your site has been approved. Once approved, your site will be ready to display ads!

Ok, so, the email header says: "Your Jumptap Account has been approved"

But, it doesn't say my site/app, which is as yet unpublished, has been approved. So, what I will need to do is integrate the code, publish the app, and then see what happens? It all seems a bit risky. Also, how will I communicate the site to them, as I've already done step 2. But, I just have a web site for the launching page, not the app url on the Android Marketplace. For that, I specified "not yet published", which was an option they had.

Well; let's go ahead and try to install the code. I can always back it it out. Hmm...I just noticed the XML even specifies these parameters:

jumptapLib:publisherId="add your publisher id"
jumptapLib:siteId="add your site id" jumptapLib:spotId="add your spot id" />

Hmmm...I logged into my profile, and the app I added is missing. That's probably for the better, because I put in the launching page for the app instead of the actual url, which doesn't exist yet.

I get the feeling things will go a bit smoother if I just publish the app first, then add the jumptap code. I'm probably going to do that first. Maybe I'll send an email to support.

Well, they say here under support:

While you wait...
You can setup your mobile property to display ads while you wait for your Account Approval email. Add a Site/App to your account.

Still, I don't have the url to add. I'll send an email to support and bag it for now.

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