Saturday, October 8, 2011

Adding flurry Analytics to your iOS app

Adding flurry analytics to your app is really simple - I just did in - and really did take five (or maybe 10) minutes, just like they promised.

All you have to do is:

1) Find the flurry site:

2) Click on sign up and fill out the simple form.

3) Validate in your email.

4) You'll be shown your app name (which you provided) and a long key once you validate successfully.

5) At this point, you're just following instructions from online or the pdf.

6) Use finder to copy the downloaded "FlurryAnalytics" folder into your project.

7) Click file, add files, and select the folder to add it to the project.

8) Go to your app delegate and add this to the header:

#import "FlurryAnalytics.h"

9) Add this to your "applicationDidFinishLaunchingWitgOptions" method in your app delegate:

[FlurryAnalytics startSession:@"ZMRKQ29J8683RVL5Y3VQ"];

That's it!


  1. Does flurry supports real time analytics .. or it shows analytics till last day .. ??

  2. To all you Flurry Analytics users -
    We just released Flurrylitics - Access Flurry Analytics from your iPhone.
    It lets you access all of your analytics data along with great visualizations with charts and maps, trend lines and more.

    Check it out, it's FREE!
    It would be great if you could send your feedback to
