While I was posting to textmate while waiting for blogger to come back up - my mac crashed!
Here's what was saved:
I need to append the two frequency views together. First, let's figure out how to append one file to the next. Google shows something like:
INSERT INTO newtable (fields..)
SELECT fields.. FROM OldTable
If I follow that, I will need to create a table from the first view. Then insert into the a second table from that. So, how do I insert into the first table? The same way, I guess.
So, let's change it to this:
INSERT INTO all_words_temp1 (level, number, kanji, hiragana, english, _id, freq)
SELECT level, number, kanji, hiragana, english, _id, freq
FROM v_all_words_freq_kanji_match;
It needs a pre-existing table
CREATE TABLE all_words_freq_outer
(level INTEGER,
number INTEGER,
kanji TEXT(25),
hiragana TEXT(25),
english TEXT(50),
“_id” INTEGER)
Ok, that's what was preserved. But, I actually I got as far as appending the two views into all_words_temp1. Then, Iwent through some shenanigans to insert the remaining, unmatched (on frequency) rows into the table.
I then looked at the remaining unmatched ones, and see if there's a way to match the remaining:
SELECT level, number, kanji, hiragana, english, _id, freq from all_words_temp1 where freq is null;
This gives me 245 entries (I previously deleted 3 invalid header entries which had snuck in there).
I made a backup of the all_words_temp1 table.
Then, I created a view which only pulled out those with nulls in freq with the honorable prefix "お", called v_o_prefix.
I'm having a problem figuring out what's in some of the views.
Ah, show info in RazorSQL shows it:
CREATE VIEW v_o_prefix as SELECT level, number, kanji, hiragana, english, _id, SUBSTR (hiragana, 2, 999) as hiragana_no_prefix from all_words_temp1 where freq is null and hiragana like 'お%';
Ok, so the o_prefix does strip the first 'お%' - and freq is null and it's from all_words_temp1. Good.
I was looking at the hiragana instead of the hiragana_no_prefix field.
Now I can do this to get a match on freq once the honorific prefix is stripped:
SELECT level, number, kanji, hiragana, english, _id, freq_list.freq
from v_o_prefix, freq_list
where v_o_prefix.hiragana_no_prefix = freq_list.word
There we go. I'm finally back to pre-crash mode. It turns out there are only 10 of these. Let's add this as a view:
create view v_o_prefix_freq_match as SELECT level, number, kanji, hiragana, english, _id, freq_list.freq
from v_o_prefix, freq_list
where v_o_prefix.hiragana_no_prefix = freq_list.word
Now we need to put them in the all_words_temp1 table. Let's take another stab at this construction:
update TableA set A2 =
(select B2 from TableB where A1=B1)
where A1 in (select B1 from TableB);
// this part is easy
update TableA set A2 =
// B2 is what we're getting from table B. And A1/B1 are the matching values. In this case, we can just match on anything, like _id. The A1 is passed from the below select statement.
(select B2 from TableB where A1=B1)
// this statement will give the above any A1's which are found in b.
where A1 in (select B1 from TableB);
Let's tackle the last one first:
where _id in (select _id from v_o_prefix_freq_match);
So, we'll get those 10 ids. Next the middle line:
(select v_o_prefix_freq_match.freq from v_o_prefix_freq_match where all_words_temp1._id=v_o_prefix_freq_match._id)
Finally, the first line:
update all_words_temp1 set freq =
Let's put them all together.
update all_words_temp1 set freq =
(select v_o_prefix_freq_match.freq from v_o_prefix_freq_match where all_words_temp1._id=v_o_prefix_freq_match._id)
where _id in (select _id from v_o_prefix_freq_match);
Let's try out this monster.
Well, it ran, but did it work?
select * from v_o_prefix
29 records. It was 39 before.
select * from v_o_prefix_freq_match
No records found. Whew - a lot of work for 10 records. But maybe I can apply it to other patterns.
we understand this. Thanks for sharing your thoughts as well as the entire concept here.This is a great reading. Thanking you.
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